Pug Handsome
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Pug Handsome

In stock (4 items available)
  • £2.79

Looking very dapper in his spotty bow-tie who can resist this cheeky little chap?  Definitely a card for the dog-lovers you know!

The pug dog is a favourite among the dog breeds and you often see these clever cuties in advertising, films and tv.  Popular as a family pet worldwide these dogs have lots of winning characteristics - intelligent, affectionate, confident and mischievous - and endear themselves to just about everyone.  They fit almost any lifestyle which has also added to their popularity.  There are records of them dating back to 700 B.C in ancient China.  There they could only be owned by the Emperors - any 'commoner' caught owning one was punishable by death.  Pugs were so revered that they had their very own servants and section of the palace.  Females had the same status as the Emperor's wives having soldiers guard them and only eating the finest food!

Card front reads:  Pug Handsome

Message Inside:  Left blank for your own message

Size:  16.0cm x 16.0cm

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